Below is an interactive table that I created that is taken directly from two systematic reviews of transfer studies done in L3 acquistion of morphosyntax. There were two systematic reviews done by Rothman and colleagues. The first was done in 2018, but officially published in 2020 (Puig-Mayenco et al. , 2020). The information coded here contains information from updated systematic review coded from the appendix reported in Rothman et al. (2019).
Each study was coded for several factors: L1 influence, L2 influence, Typological Influence or hybrid influence. In each case, a value of “1” meant that the study found that the L3 was influenced by the coded factor. Note that these factors were not mutually exclusive, such that some are coded as “1” for more than one potential explanation (e.g., some studies are coded as “1” for both L2 influence and typological influence). Next, “mirror image” refers to the use of mirror image groups within the study (opposite order of acquisition learning the same L3). The following fields contain the author and year the study was published (many have the DOI linked), the languages involved, and whether the L3 showed evidence of non-facilitative transfer. One can also use the search bar to filter for authors, languages, or any keyword contained in the table.